
Vu Quang Nguyen-Info

Follow Apr 27, 2019 · 2 mins read
Vu Quang Nguyen-Info


Chia sẻ tâm tư

Highly active and hard working students in the field of applied nuclear nuclear technique, accompanied data analysis skills and problem-solving skills looking for an intership in Nuclear Chemical Radiation, applied nuclear physics in Agriculture - Medicine - Biology . In order to positively contribute to the production process of the company, while ganning valuable industrial experience/ Fluent in English

My dream was bring to Vietnam a tribute success dedicated to Vietnam which tells my knowledge and vision.It was not simply a result of experiment, but something that we created especially with love and passion for Vietnam and all the people around the world who loves Nuclear physics. From the bottom of my heart, I would like to express my gratitude to my friends and my teachers.

Thông tin chi tiết

  • Gallery (Published on Flickr)

Datacenter: My Repository
Flickr: Gallery 1 + Gallery 2
ID Card: Tuyet mat

THEME: THeme Web

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